Online Journal
This online journal is a work in progress. Our goal with it is to encourage writers & thinkers who have a view of running as more than simply exercise or sport to have a platform to share their work. If you are interested in submitting an article, essay, poem, interview or any other written format, please reach out to us. Below is an index of current pieces published at RunGnosis:
Intention is Mind Magic
An essay about how the we can empower our running & our lives by reframing our experience before we train & race with intentions.
Always Be Closing (A Tribute to Rich Strike)
A tribute to the incredible performance by Rich Strike at the 2022 Kentucky Derby. The race leads to a description of how runners can learn to close their races effectively through attitude, strategy & habit.
A Beautiful Race
The first in an eventual series (course?) on how to race from a completely new mindset. If you only read one essay on this site, make it this one.
The Starting Line Experience
As a coach I only have one responsibility: to get my athletes to the starting line ready to race. Consistency is the coin of the realm.
Outrun the Destruction of the World
A call for preparedness through running - a primer for the runner/prepper. Only have joking.
Book Review: Tough by Greg Everett
A review of the most practical book on mental training for athletes I have ever read. This book is chock full of actionable tips.