Official Launch of Keep Going

I know I've been radio silent for awhile. But I wanted to be sure those who might be interested in this podcast series I am doing with John Schrup & Michael Krajicek were aware that the podcast is now officially launched. We've got over 12 episodes recorded & we are releasing three episodes in rapid succession.
These are being released as a triptych because two of the episodes (Ep 2 & Ep 4) are "of a piece". We conceptualized a discussion around the roles, responsibilities & expectations of coaches & athletes. While we definitely ramble across a wide swath of running culture, I think we execute the brief pretty effectively. You can find both episodes below. Episode 4 is set to be released on Monday, but if you want to binge, it's available only from this site below in advance. Episode 2 is available wherever you find podcasts right now.
The middle episode (Ep 3) is a raw, uncut recording of our initial conversation that we didn't expect to release. It is much lower audio quality & we -well mostly I - discuss some touchy subjects in our discussion of the Austin running scene. This is a unfiltered & frank conversation about what makes Austin running culture so unique, as well as why it can seem so dysfunctional to runners who move into town & have no idea of what life was like in the 80's, 90's & 00's around the Austin running scene. Again, this episode is officially release tomorrow morning but if you want to jump right in, see below.
(Most of the Austin specific discussion doesn't come in until the final 20-30 min of the episode.)
If you are still reading, expect more from RunGnosis in the coming weeks. I have developed a mental training course I'll be announcing soon & I have essays to publish, as well.